I am writing to you today to share something that I have dealt with my entire life. My earliest memories contain this deep feeling of being distinctly different than my peers or other children around me. I also recall feeling like the darkest, blackest sheep among my own blood related relatives. Friends and acquaintances would definitely describe me as odd or strange. Elders used to call me “wise for my age.” I was frequently misunderstood.

I remember as a child just quietly observing and watching those around me. Soaking up information like a sponge. I was obsessed with the psychology and behavior behind human interactions.

I have always felt like an old soul. I am fortunate to have been born with the gift of insight, but it’s both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because I am able to assist others on their own soul’s path, and a curse because it can be hauntingly isolating at times. Alone with truth, knowledge, and wisdom. It’s a feeling of being unrelatable.

I have always had this strong sense of higher purpose, a desire to make the world a better place, and the need to do something meaningful with my life. At heart I am a dreamer. A futuristic visionary with infinite ideas.

I recently reconnected with an old friend over dinner and drinks. Five years had quickly passed since our last interaction. We spent the night catching up, conversating and reminiscing about our reckless 21-year-old shenanigans. My friend said something that night that lit up heaven in me. LOL (like the Calvin Harris song). She said she felt like I had lived 10 lives since the last time we had interacted. (10 lives in 5 years). These words meant so much to me because I have always been terrified of becoming stagnant or complacent. I love being productive. I am always attempting to change and grow as a person.

I was recently in the process of transformation. I experienced a spiritual awakening or dark night of the soul. I decided to look within and heal childhood pain and traumas. I’ve ended karmic cycles.

“The universe has forced me to grow and to expand. The universe has used me as a vessel, making me uncomfortable and stripping me of everything I knew. I learned how to be silent, how to let go, how to move on. I learned how to stand my ground, how to be more understanding, how to fight, how to survive, how to forgive. I learned how to be more assertive, more loving, less naïve. The universe then told me to take everything I have learned and share it with others.”

I have learned to be vulnerable and share my true self (unmasked). I am now able to speak my truth! I am working from a place of inner power rather than force! I now EMBRACE those differences that I listed above! I HAVE EMPOWERED MYSELF AND I WORK TO EMPOWER OTHERS! I plan on accomplishing/cramming a lot into one lifetime.

I realize that I have the strength and the passion to reach for the stars and accomplish all of my goals. I must confess though, I occasionally lack patience. In fact, I can become quite restless at times. There are days where I wish I could speed up my healing process or accomplish all of my dreams in the blink of an eye. *SIGHS. I’m chronically impatient.


And I wonder if you know

what it means… what it means…


I’ve been waiting on this my whole damn life


This blog is dedicated to my fellow GOAL DIGGERS! See what I did there? LMAO. I am almost positive that I am not the only one dealing with impatience. I am sure that other dreamers, business owners, and alpha females, type A personalities, can relate.

I am currently in the process of practicing patience. In the past patience has been a foreign concept to me.  Patience is a virtue. Right? I understand that Rome wasn’t built in a day. And my favorite blogger says that it takes decades to build an overnight empire.

Success is usually the fruit of patience. As you go along your journey in life, always take some time to reflect on how far you have come. I realize that although I still have many dreams left to accomplish, I have come so far already and that is something to be celebrated! We are all a work in progress with unlimited ways to grow, improve, and accomplish. No matter where you are in your journey you have undoubtedly accomplished many great things along the way. We should always strive to achieve our dreams but we must not lose sight of the achievements along the way. Be patient and work hard, and the results will follow. Take it one step at a time while being kind to yourself! Enjoy the process!