This week’s mantra: I let go of all expectations. People, places and things are free to be themselves, and I AM FREE TO BE ME. -Louise Hay

This week I would like to focus on expectations and being attached to outcomes.  When we are attached to an outcome, we expect things to happen at a specific time and in a specific way.  When it does not happen at the expected time or in the expected manner, we are disappointed. We feel discouraged that things are not happening the way we wanted them to happen.

Being attached to outcomes causes us to be enslaved to circumstances. We allow our mood to depend on whether we get that promotion, a text reply from a crush, an apartment we had our heart set on, or that dream vacation we wanted to take. Remember that these situations cannot define who we are or how we feel. We can never truly gain inner peace when depending on outside circumstances.

We have to accept that some things are just out of our control. When we do not know how things will really turn out, we have to trust. Have faith that everything will work out for your best interest.  Let’s let go of expectations so that we can surrender to the process and let the outcome fall in place in the right way, at the right time. When we release expectations, we are free to enjoy things for what they are instead of what we think they should be.

The best way to live life is to be like a little child, having no cares and expectations. You are doing what brings you joy and expressing yourself fearlessly in every moment. Be free of judgement and pressure. Trust that you will always be provided for, everything is working out for your best interest, and everything will work out in the right timing. There is nothing stopping you from attaining all you truly desire. You are FREE to live fully in the present moment.  Live with an attitude of no expectations and you will experience more freedom than you could have ever imagined.