I am currently focusing my energy on exploring the depths of my subconscious. I am fortunate to have a lovely lady guiding me and supporting me with this work. The professional that I am working with uses shamanic based techniques to bring knowledge from the subconscious through to the waking mind. These techniques can be used for numerous purposes including exploring the subconscious, accessing previous dreams, mental downloads, or visions during meditation. You can also use these techniques to connect with your higher self, your spirit guides, and the holy spirit. These techniques are beneficial for healing and strengthening your intuition. I believe that intuition is like a muscle that can be strengthened and further developed over time. When it comes to information, truth, and knowledge there is no better source than the divine. I highly recommend my clients to take the time and go within for knowledge, rather than relying on someone else for information or truth. This is because when you go within yourself you are not only strengthening your intuition, but you are also building a skillset that you have for a lifetime. And here at Amy L. Beck Holistic Health & Wellness we are all about SELF-EMPOWERMENT!

I had a situation that I was experiencing that was not my ideal. Somehow, I built up these negative thoughts relating to this situation which in turn caused me to feel discomfort, despair, and sorrow. I honored my emotions and realized that they were just passing through. I expressed these uncomfortable emotions freely with the dream gal. At the time I had something weighing heavily on my mind and was desperately seeking clarity. She suggested that we ask my subconscious three questions relating to this situation. So, off I went on my quest for truth.

I realized that the answers I sought were dependent on these three questions. Not only did I want my questions to be clever, but also objective and unbiased. Weeks began to pass and there I sat continuing on contemplating the perfect question. Suddenly something came over me… a fear of the answer. I was afraid of the truth. I was paralyzed by this fear and indecisive. The fear made me feel stuck and trapped by the burdens of my mind, which honestly means that at the time I was not ready to hear the truth.

Then I experienced a shift. I thought to myself, I don’t want to be stuck forever. I don’t want to be stagnant. I understand that occasionally the truth hurts, but the truth will set you free. And my soul longs to be free. I regained courage and liberated myself from these fears. I eventually came up with three questions. I wrote two of them down on a piece of paper and forgot the third question. Which is extremely rare for me because an elephant never forgets! Clearly that was divinely guided. I quickly came up with a new question that spirit repeated in my ear. Gosh I am so stubborn sometimes.

I think deep down we are all aware of the truth, and maybe we avoid uncovering the unknown because we realize that once we are cognizant of the truth, then the next step is action. We have to take an action to make changes. Change can be uncomfortable because it forces you to grow past your comfort zone. An action takes up more energy than just thinking about taking an action. You could also feel unsure of yourself and afraid of the repercussions of your actions.

All I know is that when you ignore your truth, you ignore yourself. When you honor your truth, you are then in alignment with your souls’ purpose and destiny. It feels good because you are balanced and in harmony. You are not controlling a situation based on fear. You surrender to the flow of life. When you discover the truth, you will feel it. You will feel your heart thump in your chest. Chills will run down your spine. The hair on your arms will stand up, covered in goosebumps. Your whole body will light up and you will feel it in every cell. That’s how you know you’ve discovered truth. I want you to ask yourself this week, what truth are you avoiding? Are you deceiving yourself?